Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Shining Light Award
  3. Shining Light Award (09.02.24)

Shining Light Award (09.02.24)

10 February 2024 (by admin)

This week the recipient of the Shining Light Award is Arnie

He was nominated by Thomas and Mr Hutton.

Arnie was chosen for showing great friendship by cheering everyone on in PE/ Games. He has shown courage in persevering with his reading. (Thomas)

He also did an amazing job with his sewing demonstrating concentration, attention to detail and resilience. He worked independently, as well as very hard, to get his design completed. (Mr Hutton)

Well done, Arnie.


Recognition of nominees;

5th – 9th February 2024


Is a shining light because…

Nominated by…


Elm Class

…when I was so upset she comforted me. When I said what was wrong she said don’t worry.


Elm Class

James and George

Elm Class

…James helped me by putting my bottle in my bag and George hung my coat up.


Elm Class


Elm Class

…she showed great courage and determination in the cross country at Westonbirt. It was her first event and she was the only Trinity girl taking part in her race. Well done!

Miss Prichard


Elm Class

…he showed kindness in coming to see if another child was ok at the end of break.

Miss Prichard

Miss Saidani

…she has worked so hard in Elm. Well done you! Miss Saidani always perseveres.

Jess and Poppy

Elm Class

Miss Saidani


…she has done a great job teaching us and is always happy. Thank you.


Elm Class

Miss Saidani


…she always perseveres in everything as in learning at Trinity. We love you Miss Saidani, bye.


Elm Class

Miss Saidani

…Miss Saidani will always be a part of our class even though she will not see us again. She was always really kind and helpful in every lesson. When she leaves she will always be a part of our class and we will miss her a lot.

Amelia and Tilly

Elm Class

XC runners

Elm and Beech Class

…you all did such a great job on Wednesday and shared our school values of courage, respect and friendship.

Miss Prichard

Well done everyone.