Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

Our Curriculum



“..shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2 .15

Curriculum Intent:

At Trinity CE Primary School we aim to equip children to become happy, well-mannered, resilient, responsible future global citizens with enquiring minds, who are happy, ambitious and successful.

The Trinity curriculum is designed to create a culture and climate where children can be ambitious learnersconfident individuals and responsible citizens.


Value link: Courage

We want our learners to engage with the curriculum through real life, practical and outdoor experiences; to develop and enhance their cultural capital with Wow days, visitors and trips; to develop positive learning dispositions and a love of learning across the full range of subjects and to make links between subjects; to have ownership of their learning and enjoy every day, every moment, and every experience; to be inclusive and understand, appreciate and celebrate all that each of us has to offer; to embrace and experience technology and understand its role and use; to be ambitious, creative and brave life-long learners who are curious about the world around them.

We will facilitate the cycle of teach, practice and apply to enable them to know more and remember more, especially the explicit teaching of basic skills.



Value link: Friendship and Respect

We want our learners to have their own identity within the Trinity family, our Christian school and our local community; to have self-belief, resilience and empathy; to understand their own beliefs and have the emotional intelligence to enable them to stand up for what they believe in; to model Christian values and have social skills that reflect respect for self and others; to have relevant first-hand experiences of the World and show through their words, actions and deeds that they understand cultural diversity, have disability awareness and promote equal opportunities.



Value link: Friendship and Respect

We want our learners to embrace and cherish our school environment, its eco-features, wonderful outside space and stunning rural setting; to be passionate about sustainability and to understand the environmental impact of humans; to appreciate the challenges now and in the future and to know that they can influence change locally to globally.

For more information about each subject, visit the subject pages under the curriculum tab.

To see an overview of the enquiries and units taught in each cycle, organised by class, see 'Year group overviews' under the curriculum tab.

To see a whole school overview of the enquiries in each cycle, see 'Enquiry overview' under the curriculum tab.

If there is information about our curriculum that you cannot find or you would like to find out more about our school curriculum, please contact the school office on:

01454 218 462 or